Aurora Borealis
Through the lens
Winterly photography expedition to catch the astonishing „dancing in the sky“. It isn’t difficult to see the northern lights in our area, but with a professional guiding it will come to perfection. You need the right place, you need the right surrounding, you need the right horizon. We show you several scenic spots in the arctic winter and support you with the right knowledge.
Photography is our passion.
Duration : one week
Schedule : seamless connected to scheduled flights
Location : Tasiilaq & Tiniteqilaaq & nightly boattrip
Base: Hotel The Red House in Tasiilaq
Visit : village Tiniteqilaq, located on the impressing Sermilik Icefjord
Prices : all inclusive basic from 8.950.-DKK

Comfortable Base
From cosy basic accommodation to superior hotel standard - with full board to self service cooking.